Upcoming Elections - Positions are all open and we will be asking for nominees/volunteers at our December meeting in order to vote in January. Please read the job descriptions outlined below.
Posted 12 months ago by Dorothy Posgai
- Preside at all meeting of the group, including the Executive Committee.
- Be authorized to approve any Ad Hoc committee necessary to further the work of the group (two are recommended; education and membership).
- Is authorized to make interim appointments for vacant officer positions.
Incumbent Officer: Joseph Ofei
- Keep the minutes of all meetings.
- A paper copy of the minutes shall be maintained and a copy shall be published on the website monthly.
Incumbent Officer: Peggi Lalor
- Keep records of all debits and credits relevant to the group.
- Do a monthly verification of the membership roster with the website.
- Report to the general membership at each monthly meeting the current balance of the WCCANP treasury.
- Report and file required paperwork.
Incumbent Officer: Marguarite Pels
Education Chair:
- Arrange sponsorship for each monthly meeting with the speaker.
- Publish the location and topic for each monthly meeting on the website before the first day to the month indicated.
- Arrange joint meetings yearly with the Tampa Bay Advanced Practice Nursing Council’s Education Chair as possible.
Incumbent Officer: Dot Posgai
- Represent the general membership at the Executive Board meetings.
- Serve as a contact person for new members and students.
Incumbent Officer: Marquetta Flaugher